Julia: Hi! Can I buy drinks? Shopkeeper: Of course, how many drinks do you want? Julia: I want 4 drinks. That is 2 bottles of water and 2 bottles of fanta Shopkeeper: Are you sure about the fanta? I hear that it is not very healthy for young people like you Julia: It is okay, actually the fanta is for someone else. I prefer to drink water Shopkeeper: Okay, that will cost 8,000 Tsh. Julia: Thanks and you can keep the rest of the money |
Julia: Halo! Je! Ninaweza kununua vinywaji? Shopkeeper: Ndio i, unataka vinywaji vingapi? Julia: Natana nne chupa 2 za maji na chupa 2 za fanta Shopkeepera: Je! Una uhakika juu ya fanta? Nasikia huwa sio nzuri kwa afya ya vijana kama wewe Julia: Ni sawa, kwa kweli fanta ni ya mtu mwingine. Napendelea kunywa maji Shopkeeper: hiyo itagharimu Tsh 8,000 Julia: Asante na unaweza kutunza hela |
Learn Kiswahili
Greetings & Introductions
How to greet and introduce yourself in Kiswahili
How can you describe your family in Kiswahili?
How to count in Kiswahili
Days of the week
How to say days of the week in Kiswahili
Months of the year
How to say months of the year in Kiswahili
Time Concepts
How say early, late, always and other concepts in Kiswahili
African Languages on Mofeko
West Africa- Ìgbò - Wolof - Yorùbá |
East Africa- Chichewa (Nyanja) - Kinyarwanda (Ikinyarwanda) - Kiswahili |
Central Africa- Chokwe (Wuchokwe) - Ibinda (Fiote) - Kikongo - Lingala - Tshiluba |
Southern Africa- Malagasy - Naro (Senaro) - Nyaneka-Humbi - Sekaukau - Setswana (Tswana) - Shona (chiShona) - Umbundu (South Mbundu) - IsiXhosa (Xhosa) - IsiZulu (Zulu) |